a in arabic letter
Home » Know A In Arabic Letter With Examples & Exact Matching

Know A In Arabic Letter With Examples & Exact Matching

Are you searching for a in arabic letter on the internet? You can very easily learn Arabic alphabet on this website.

a in arabic letter

If you want to learn Arabic language alphabet then this is the best website for you. As far as I am aware, you are searching for a in arabic letter on the internet.


What is the A alphabet of English called in Arabic? The letter A in the English language is equivalent to which letter in Arabic? If you are looking for answers to these questions then you can move on.

A In Arabic Letter With Examples

Equivalent Letters
English Arabic
A ا

Remember the pronunciation of the letters in each language are different. But there are many similarities in the letter of Arabic language from the letter of English language. Yes, remember, equality is not hundred percent. If you read this, then you will find it very easy to learn Arabic language.

Know A To Z Letters Of Arabic Alphabet

Equivalent Letters
English Arabic
A ا
B ب
C ك
D د
E ي
F ف
G ج
H ه
I ي
J ج
K ك
L ل
M م
N ن
O و
P *
Q ق
R ر
S س
T ت
U ي
V *
W و
X *
Y ي
Z ز

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