Dua Before entering toilet
Home » Dua For Entering Toilet/ Washroom In English & Arabic 

Dua For Entering Toilet/ Washroom In English & Arabic 

This article will explore the Dua for entering the toilet washroom in English and Arabic. We’ll discuss its origins and look at some ways it can be used to enhance your spiritual experience and help you feel connected to Allah.

It is widely accepted that our beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was the perfect example for Muslims in every aspect of their lives.

He taught us many things, including how to behave when using the toilet. 

Dua Before entering toilet

Our Prophet (PBUH) taught us always to put our left foot first when entering the toilet and recite a specific du’a (prayer).
By doing this, we are seeking Allah’s protection from any harmful or evil creatures that may be present in the toilet.

Following our Prophet’s (PBUH) advice can help us avoid many problems and disasters, both in this life and the next.
So let us all commit to putting our left foot first and reciting the dua whenever we enter the toilet, Insha’Allah!

Dua For Entering Washroom

(بِسْمِ اللَّهِ)

 اللَّهُـمَّ إِنِّي أَعُـوذُ بِـكَ مِـنَ الْخُـبْثِ وَالْخَبَائِثِ

Before entering the toilet dua In English Text 

Bismillaahi Allaahumma innee a oothu bika minal-khubthi walkhabaa ith

Dua before going to the toilet Meaning 

O, Allah. I seek refuge in You from the male-female evil and Jinns.

How to Follow Toilet Guidance in Islam

Islam places a significant emphasis on cleanliness and hygiene, evident through its various rules and regulations concerning personal hygiene and environmental cleanliness. These principles also extend to toileting, with specific guidelines that Muslims are encouraged to follow to maintain cleanliness and hygiene.

To follow toilet guidance in Islam, consider the following steps:

  1. Water Supply: Ensure that you have ample water available. Water is used to purify oneself after using the toilet and clean the surroundings.
  2. Separate Water Containers: Maintain separate water containers for different purposes. This prevents contamination of the water used for personal cleansing.
  3. Pre-Act Intention: Before entering the toilet, it is recommended to recite a supplication (dua) seeking protection from evil forces. For example, saying “Bismillah” (In the name of Allah) or “A’udhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajim” (I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed devil) can be recited.
  4. Entering the Toilet: Enter the toilet with your left foot first and recite the appropriate supplication: “Allahumma inni a’udhu bika minal khubuthi wal khaba’ith” (O Allah, I seek refuge in You from male and female devils).
  5. Maintaining Modesty: While using the toilet, face away from the qibla (the direction of the Kaaba in Mecca) and avoid speaking unnecessary words or using improper language.
  6. Cleaning: After using the toilet, Muslims are required to clean themselves with water using the left hand and then wipe with toilet paper if necessary. The left hand is cleaned, and the right hand is kept clean.
  7. Specific Number of Wipes: The specific number of times to cleanse oneself may vary among scholars. The general practice is to use an odd number of times, often three, five, or seven.
  8. Exiting the Toilet: Upon exiting the toilet, use your right foot first and recite the supplication: “Ghufranak” (Your forgiveness). This acknowledges the need for forgiveness after completing an act of relieving oneself.
  9. Washing Hands: After leaving the toilet, thoroughly wash both hands up to the wrists. This is a hygienic practice to ensure cleanliness.
  10. Additional Supplications: After exiting the toilet, it’s recommended to recite the supplication: “Ghufranak” (Your forgiveness). This supplication seeks forgiveness from Allah for any shortcomings in observing the proper etiquette.
  11. Using Clean Water: If available, use clean water to clean the area around the toilet to maintain cleanliness.
  12. Environmental Considerations: Muslims are encouraged to choose secluded areas for relieving themselves to maintain privacy and avoid discomfort for others.

While these guidelines provide general practices, variations might exist based on cultural, regional, and personal preferences. The ultimate goal is to maintain personal hygiene and show reverence for the teachings of Islam.

What to Know About Going to the Bathroom in Islam

When it comes to going to the bathroom, there are a few things that you should know about Islam. For starters, urinating or defecating in running water is considered unclean. 

This means you should avoid doing so in rivers, lakes, and even toilets if the water is running. Instead, you should find a place where the ground is dry and clean up after yourself properly.

Conclusion Points

It is also important to be mindful of how you wash yourself after using the bathroom. In Islam, using your left hand to clean yourself is customary.

 This is because the right hand is considered clean and should be used for eating and drinking. When washing yourself, you should use water and soap to ensure you are completely clean.

Finally, you should always try to pray after using the bathroom. This will help purify your body and soul.


1. What is important to reciting a dua before entering the toilet washroom?

Reciting a dua before entering the toilet washroom is a way to seek protection and blessings from Allah. It helps in maintaining cleanliness and purifying oneself for prayer.

2. Can you provide the dua for entering the toilet washroom in English?

The dua for entering the toilet washroom in English is: In the name of Allah, I seek refuge with Allah from all evil and impurities.

3. What is the dua for entering the toilet washroom in Arabic?

The dua for entering the toilet washroom in Arabic is: بِسْمِ اللهِ اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَعُوذُ بِكَ مِنَ الْخُبْثِ وَالْخَبَائِثِ

4. How should I recite this dua? Is there any specific way or time?

You can recite this dua silently or quietly before entering the toilet washroom.

5. Can I say this dua in my language instead of Arabic or English?

You can say this dua in your language if you understand its meaning and intention.

6. Should I repeat this dua whenever I enter the bathroom or just once?

It is recommended to recite this dua each time you enter the toilet washroom to seek continuous protection and blessings.

7. Can I recite this dua using a public restroom?

Reciting this dua is highly recommended regardless of whether you use a public restroom or your private one.

8. Are there other etiquette or guidelines for using the toilet washroom?

Yes, some general etiquettes include using your left hand for cleaning purposes, avoiding unnecessary conversation, facing away from the qibla (direction of prayer), and washing your hands thoroughly after using the toilet.

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